Our Terms and Conditions
How we can best work together
As a client, I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my physical, mental and emotional well-being during my coaching sessions, including my choices and decisions. I am aware that I can choose to discontinue coaching at any time.
I understand that coaching is a Professional-Client relationship I have with my coach that is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal, professional or business goals and to develop and carry out a strategy/plan for achieving those goals.
I understand that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve all areas of my life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. I acknowledge that deciding how to handle these issues, incorporate coaching into those areas, and implement my choices is exclusively my responsibility.
I understand that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the Singapore Psychiatric Association. I understand that coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment and I will not use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment or therapy. If I am currently receiving psychiatric care, I will consult with my caregiver to ensure working with a coach is in my best interest at this time.
I understand that information will be held as confidential unless I state otherwise, in writing, except as required by law. I understand that if I reveal information that involves physically hurting myself or others, the coach must report such information and/or refer to mental health professionals accordingly.
I understand that certain topics may be anonymously and hypothetically shared with other coaching professionals or clients for training, educational OR consultation purposes and that CGull will take great care to change any identifiable details to protect my privacy.
I understand that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, business or other qualified professionals. I will seek independent professional guidance for legal, medical, financial, business or other matters. I understand that all decisions in these areas are exclusively mine and I acknowledge that my decisions and my actions regarding them are my sole responsibility.
Because professional coaching is not considered medical consultation or treatment, health insurance does not apply.
I understand that if I arrive 10 minutes late or more, my appointment time will be reduced by the amount of time I was late to accommodate the next client’s scheduled appointment.
I understand that a “no-show” is someone who misses a scheduled appointment without canceling or rescheduling 48 hours in advance of their scheduled appointment. “No-shows” will be charged 100% of the session amount.
Please give our session high priority and arrange your schedule to honor our agreed upon time. If you must reschedule, I ask you to give me 48 hours notice or as soon as you are able to do so by updating the calendly, bookly or CGull’s website booking platform or clicking on ‘reschedule’ in your confirmation email. I will not reschedule no-shows. Emergencies are an exception.
Make our coaching sessions a priority. You have chosen to invest in yourself. Please take time before each session to complete and email the session prep questions I will provide you by email. Use it as a template to create a new email for your responses for further appointments. The most crucial part is for you to have an idea of what you’d like to take away from the session.
Coaching is strongly based on the client’s agenda. Please arrive at every session on time. Come to your session centered and be open-minded. Be willing to change your beliefs and patterns if they do not serve you anymore.
Give me feedback in the moment about your coaching experience –what works as well as what doesn’t. Do not ever worry about hurting my feelings or fear what I might think. I am here to support you, not judge you or make decisions for you. If something I say does not resonate with you, I want to know about it.
We will listen closely to you, respond to what we hear and ask questions. If we hear something in your voice or body language that sparks an intuitive idea, thought or image, we will likely to share it and ask you questions about it. Often it is these small nuances that create the bigger shifts for clients. Remember, if it doesn’t resonate, tell us.
We’re not attached to being right. At the end of the session, if you do not mention what actions you are ready to take, we will make a coach request. We ask clients to stretch themselves, deepen the work done in the sessions by either journaling at home, taking a defined action, resolving relationships or tackling things that feel incomplete. You are free to negotiate, accept or decline. Most of the work will be in regards to self – awareness and powerful choice.
We will share with you the insights and if need be – our personal journey on how we may have overcome the struggles and challenges in our own personal life. We will also share the techniques, methodologies that we have crafted to help you resolve the issues you may be facing.
Between sessions, if you have questions, a brief update, or want to bounce some ideas around, please contact us by email. Please keep these contacts succinct. If it seems like it will be better served as session material, We’ll suggest that.
We accept payments made online through the calendly, bookly or website booking platform. If you do have issues with the online booking platform, do let us know and we can arrange for payment made through Paynow or Paylah. For such arrangements, do let us know personally and we can have a separate arrangement.
Please give our session high priority and arrange your schedule to honor our agreed upon time. If you must reschedule, We ask you to give us 48hours notice or as soon as you are able. We will not reschedule no-shows. Because we are holding an appointment for you and will be unable to fit another client in with less than 48 hours notice, session fees will be charged for sessions canceled at the last minute. Emergencies are an exception.
Webinar And Consultation
Terms And Conditions
1. Intellectual Property
Unless otherwise indicated, CGull Pte Ltd owns copyright for the content presented in the webinar and consultations. Some of the copyright for the content on this website may be owned by individual presenters and is included on our website under a licence or agreement. Webinar events and recordings are to be viewed by the registrant only; the content must under no circumstances be recorded or reproduced.
A copy of the webinar presentation may be available after the webinar event upon request and is for personal/non-commercial use only. The content must not be modified or republished in any way without the prior consent of the presenter.
If you seek to reproduce or otherwise use the content in any way it is your responsibility to obtain approval for such use where necessary. Any breach of copyright, including recording the presentation or any unauthorized use of the material may lead to legal action.
2. Learning Outcomes
CGull Pte Ltd is not liable for the detailed content of any webinars, quality of presentation or if learning outcomes did not entirely meet expectations.
3. Links from the webinar
Webinars may contain links to other websites over which CGull Pte Ltd has no control. CGull Pte Ltd makes no representations about the accuracy of information contained on those websites. We are not liable for the content on those websites.
4. Registrations
By registering for a webinar, consent is given for application details to be provided to CGull Pte Ltd and Google to set up the webinar.
5. Cancellation
Registration for a webinar event may be cancelled up to 48 hours prior to the event. If for any reason, the presentation is required to be cancelled by CGull Pte Ltd, a notification email will be sent as soon as possible. This notification email can be in the form of a personalized email or it can be a pre-generated notification by Calendly.
6. Webinars may be recorded
The virtual event facility includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other materials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded by the host. By joining a session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to the recording, please contact CGull Pte Ltd to discuss your concerns in good time prior to the web-event date.
Web-event participation may require you to configure your software settings on your web-device upon first use, or require you to download the software for your operating system. Software can be manually downloaded by visiting the Google Meet’s support page. Please note that you may require administrator privileges on your computer to be able to manually install software.
7. Webinar materials
The webinar presenter may provide reference materials for your use during or after the webinar. These may include (but are not limited to) the following: A workbook a copy of the webinar slides sample documents, templates or other material for use during the webinar.
All webinar-related and coaching materials remain copyright of the CGull Pte Ltd. They must not be distributed to any third party at any time or in any form without written permission from CGull Pte Ltd.
Cancellation / Rescheduling Appointment Policy
Session appointment cancellation/rescheduling policy will be subject to the following fee(s):
Cancellation: If you cancel your appointment 48 hours’ before your meeting time there is no cancellation fee and you will be refunded 100% of deposit.
If you cancel your appointment with less than 48 hours’ notice you will be charged 100% of your deposit.
Rescheduling: If you reschedule your appointment 48 hours’ before your meeting time there is no rescheduling fee.
Both cancellation and rescheduling of appointments are to be done 48 hours before the time of the appointment. And this is to be done through the confirmation email that have been sent upon booking of the appointment.
No-Show Policy
A “no-show” is someone who misses a scheduled appointment without canceling or rescheduling 48 hours in advance of their scheduled appointment. “No-shows” will be charged 100% of the session amount. Session amount is different than the price listed on our booking page. If a patient accumulates 3 “No-shows”, he or she may be asked to leave the practice.
Late Arrival for your Scheduled Appointment
If you arrive 10 minutes late or more, your appointment time will be reduced by the amount of time you were late to accommodate the next client’s scheduled appointment.
Cancellation Policy for Multi-Hour Package Purchase
While there is no additional deposit required for making appointments for pre-purchased multi-hour packages, appointments canceled or rescheduled will be subject to the following policy and fee(s):
Cancellation: If you cancel your appointment 48 hours before your meeting time there is no cancellation fee.
Rescheduling: If you reschedule your appointment 48 hours before your meeting time there is no rescheduling fee.
How to Cancel/Reschedule Your Appointment
To cancel or reschedule appointments, please refer to your confirmation or reminder email. These emails contain an option to Cancel/Reschedule that will take you directly to our appointment calendar for cancellation or rescheduling of your existing appointment. Be advised; if it’s less than 48 hours’ before your appointment, canceling or rescheduling options will not be available, so you will need to email us at chiawei.g@cgull.com.sg and this is subject to the cancellation/rescheduling policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
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The minimum age would be 21 years old. As topics such as sex, ethics and controversial matters would be discussed. It is necessary that the individual has legal ownership over their own thoughts and actions.
DEFINITELY! Our courses are catered specifically to dating and attraction. We focus specifically on getting you your first date to getting into a relationship with a partner.
In pick-up courses, it operates mostly on your appearances and techniques. Some would even bring you out to ‘pick up’ on people. But in CGull, we do not focus on pick up (we do use some tricks from that scene), but rather we focus on attraction. We would touch on the science of attraction, how it works, to how we can manifest attraction in ourselves.
No we do not provide street pickup. Most western teachings would employ such methods, but in Singapore it has been proven not to be successful. We do have articles and courses where we talk about where we can head out to meet new people, do check them out.
Absolutely! At CGull, we take your privacy very importantly. We guarantee never to use your details or anything you say without getting your permission first.