About Us
Why CGULL Came into Being
We offer courses to help people master self-confidence, self-esteem and charisma. This allows them to spark attraction and gain rapport with others. At CGULL , we use self developmental psychology and strategies to help people succeed in dating and relationships by transforming them into confident and charismatic individuals
What does CGULL do?
The 5 C's
CGULL is not a motivational platform, or a typical coaching service. We aim to provide clarity in social issues that are unspoken, yet expected of individuals. At CGULL , we strip apart cultural norms, provide insights to courtship protocols and help individuals master the 5Cs: Charm, Charisma, Confidence, Communication and Connection.
Modern Day Strategies
We aid clients by providing self developmental psychology and strategies to help Singaporean men succeed in dating and relationships by transforming them into confident and charismatic individuals. Equipping them with dating and relationship etiquette from their mentality, to the way they dress and even the way they text.
Long-Term Benefits
We equip clients with principles - not tactics. Principles underlie everything you do and are imperative to long-term transformation. For example, teaching a cool negotiation script - a tactic - and it will probably work. But once you use it, you’ll have changed nothing long-term. That only comes with automating actions and behaviors by changing your overall mindset and perspectives.
Why we do what we do
As a result of not being given the “license to feel”, men tend to express their inner experience through just one or two emotions. All negative feelings come out as aggression; rather than fear, grief, or anger.
In one of Warren Farrell’s famous quotes, “When a man is able to connect with his feelings, he is able to care more.” he talks about how men are generally taught to repress their emotions, and how this leads to many problems we face today.
We at CGULL hope to pave the way to build meaningful and lasting relationships for both men and women. We hope to serve as a beacon for youths and others who hope to have this part of their life handled. Armed with the skills, knowledge and mentality, CGULL hopes to provide a space to lay out the information and mindset for others to better understand their emotions and why things are the way they are. And eventually give them the chance to become their ideal self.

Having spent the last decade learning from professionals from around the world. I took on seminars, read books, listened to audio recordings and attended courses to get this part of my dating life handled. There was a ton of experimenting and it took me several years to understand that techniques used in the West differ drastically from what could work in the East. This simple journey led me to skills such as Neurolinguistics programming, Social behaviour, Coaching and counselling as well as understanding Ethology (animal behaviour), history of human courtship and modern day social issues.
And from all of that CGULL was born – as a well-researched, insightful and result oriented way of making one’s personality magnetic, learning the rules of attraction and dating etiquettes and winning in every sphere of life!
Read our Blog to get more insights on what has been holding you back, & revamp your Dating Life!
Break old patterns.
Build lasting connections!

Selling Yourself Right
We have been selling things to others our entire lives. It might not be as blatant as selling a product or service. But we have been educating our ‘warm market’ on how good the product is, why everyone is doing it and why they should try it too.

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How to be calm on dates
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