
First Date Tips – Dos and Don’ts for Men

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Do you have your first date coming up? You are probably feeling excited, nervous, and anxious all at the same time. The last thing you would want is to mess it up!

If you are a man looking to impress your partner on your first date, there are important dos and don’ts that can help you make the best first impression. From what to wear to what to say, these tips will have you covered so that she will be thinking about your second date before the night ends!

To help you out, we have compiled a list of dos & don’ts for men on their first date with someone they are interested in.



1. Plan out your first date

Actually, plan out what you want to do during your first date, and do not tell her what you have planned for the evening or day.

 Skip the traditional dinner date and do something fun and different. You should not have a “go with the flow” plan for your first date, that will just not do you any favors.

 If you want to create a really good impression on her, plan out exactly where you are going and what you are going to do for your first date. Tell her that you have something really exciting planned out for your date, but do not tell her what, instead just let her experience it.

2. Be supportive and understanding

During your date, if there is anything that is making her uncomfortable, be understanding and respect her feelings. Do not try to force her into doing something that she does not want to.

When you are supportive of her decisions, you are showing that you care about her and are mindful of her opinions.

3. Speak less, listen more

This is something that cannot be overstated because of just how necessary it is to not over-speak on a first date.

Ladies do like to talk, but they love to be heard even more. Be a good listener and let her do the talking. But this does not mean that you do not speak at all. 

Respond to her, and continue the conversation from your side as well. Try to find a balance between who speaks when allowing her to take the lead.

For more information about speaking less and listening more, you may check out our article about conversational ratios here.

4. Dress appropriately

Women like to get a little decked up on a first date. They too want to make a good impression, and hence they do like to put effort into the way they look.

And if you show up to your first date wearing the most basic outfit, it could completely put her off.

Having said that, you do not need to wear your most formal attire when going on your first date, wear something that will show that you have put effort into the way you look.

Many times men do not pay attention to the way they dress. But when you take the time to dress well, you are showing her that you feel she is worth getting dressed up for.

5. Stay in touch after the first date

A lot of men feel that not contacting their date after the first date is important, and could lead to her missing you more. Actually, doing this could ruin your chances of a second date.  

If your date went well, she will be expecting to hear from you soon, and by not contacting her, you are confusing her and making her feel that you did not enjoy your date.

Let her know that you had a good time and that you would like to see her again sooner rather than later.



1. Be late

Showing up late for anything is considered to be one of the rudest gestures. Imagine making your date feel that she is not even worth you showing up on time!

However, if there is a genuine and unavoidable emergency that comes up, let her know. But do not keep her waiting. And make her a priority. You have made plans to meet her, the least you can do is to show up on time.  

If you show up late without telling her why you are late, she will probably not be interested in taking things further with you.

2. Ask her what she wants to do for your first date

Asking your date what she wants to do, or where she wants to go for your first date just seems lazy. You are giving the impression that you are not that into her because you are not taking the time or effort to plan something.

Women like it when men take the time to plan things out for them. It makes them feel special. So make your date feel special by not asking her what she wants to do, and plan out the date yourself.

3. Include any risky topics in the conversation

Talking about religion, politics and past relationships is a complete no-no during a first date. These topics will not favor your conversation at all, and could actually lead to arguments.

Because they are very opinionated and personal subjects, avoid them at all costs. Stick to light-hearted topics that could lead you to get to know more about each other, instead of talking about topics that could ruin your date.

4. Try to over-impress her

It is understandable that you want to make as good an impression on her during your first date, so you talk about yourself too much and try to show her what you are.

But there is a line between trying to impress someone and coming off as a show-off. You do not want her to feel that you are too self-involved, so do not try to oversell yourself.

Keep calm and allow her to see how great you are by being yourself, and do not keep yourself as the center of attention. 

5. Compliment her too much

Yes, there can be something like too many compliments. Sure, she is absolutely beautiful and you cannot believe how amazing she is, and that she has agreed to go out with you.

But try to control how many times you compliment her, as women do not like being over-complimented. It can come off as creepy.

Give her a few compliments to let her know that she is appreciated, but not too many that it can make her uncomfortable.

Your first date is a chance to leave an impression, so it is important that you know what not to say and do. A bad date can lead to a missed opportunity or even worse, an awkward meeting when you run into each other again at some point.

Remember, the more confident and in control of yourself you are on that date, the better chance you have at connecting with someone who is looking for what you are offering.

With these dos and don’ts of dating from CGull, you will be able to avoid any awkward interactions with potential love interests in the near future.

If you need more advice about how best to approach your next big date night – we are here! Our team of experts can provide the right guidance so that your next date will be nothing short of spectacular. 

Contact us today if you are looking for some additional help with dating, or for a better dating life! 

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